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Image by Sincerely Media

Hypnotist / NLP Practitioner / TFT Practitioner / Holistic Health Consultant / Personal Trainer / Sound Therapist / Mindfulness Coach

Organic Vegetables

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"

Image by Sincerely Media

My Healing Story

Holistic Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Image by Sincerely Media

Meet Korey

About 13 years ago I was diagnosed with MS, which is just a fancy schmancy medical way of saying inflammation in the Central Nervous System (CNS). I actually didn't have symptoms until about 2 years ago. That was then, flash forward and I use a walker and have severe spasticity (another fancy schmancy medical word for saying your muscles are flexed all the time and don't relax, especially in my calves).

Hypnosis Audio Downloads are a very simple process. Hypnosis downloads work much better than trying to practice self-hypnosis. Hypnosis downloads allows the conscious mind to drift off and relax completely instead of an individual trying to do a self-hypnosis technique on themselves while the body is not relaxed trying to formulate self-suggestions to themselves. Click the link here to see what Hypnosis options are available!


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