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Chronic Disease Recovery is Possible!

Korey - MS research and cure studies for MS

- Certified Hypnotist

- NLP Practitioner

- TFT Practitioner

- Natural Health Consultant 
- Certified Personal Trainer (N.F.P.T)

My MS Recovery Story

Korey lives in Plattsville, Ontario. He is the middle child and has two sisters ages 20 and 32, Kenzi and Kayleen and also is the son of Kerry and JoAnne. Besides hypnosis Korey enjoys spending his time watching sports of all kinds and enjoys spending time with friends and family. Korey loves the game of hockey which he played himself along with friends and family. Korey loves to read and research about certain advances in hypnosis as well as other natural healthcare remedies.

Korey Snider graduated from the Ontario Hypnosis Centre school in August of 2015 in the Professional Hypnosis Certification Course. Korey also enrolled in a course to became a basic practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Korey is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists becoming a Member in 2015 as well as a member of the National Federation of Neuro-Linguistic Psychology. Korey assists his clients with a range of issues such as anxiety relief, smoking cessation, weight loss goals, sleeplessness/ Insomnia, pain management, changing unwanted behaviours to ones that are more desirable and many more. The real satisfaction for Korey comes from helping his clients find ease and happiness just by showing them the tools that they already have within themselves to focus and make real changes. Korey learned that the real key to creating the person you want to become is to visualize yourself that way (when the mind and body are relaxed) which creates a positive self-image with a sub-conscious destination allowing yourself to become that person.

My Story

About 13 years ago I was diagnosed with MS, which is just a fancy schmancy medical way of saying inflammation in the Central Nervous System (CNS). I actually didn't have symptoms tell about 2 years ago. That was then, flash forward and I use a walker and have severe spasticity (another fancy schmancy medical word for saying your muscles are flexed all the time and don't relax, especially in my calves)

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