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Alternative Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis

Ketogenic Diet

So what is this Keto Diet, everybody seems to be doing it, it's so popular, I was told diet didn't matter when treating an autoimmune condition. Lol that has got to be my favorite stupid saying, a keto diet is a god-send for autoimmune disease especially neurological conditions like MS. I got my food sensitivity testing done so I don't need anymore proof (My immune system and blood were lying that day... lol just kidding. Don't trust me see what has to say about it.


What is Keto?

The ketogenic diet is high in fat, moderate in protein, and low in carbohydrates. It induces a state of ketosis, tricking the body into starvation mode. This diet emerged in the 1920s as a treatment for epilepsy in children.

Dietary treatments for epilepsy can be traced back as far as 500 B.C., according to Epilepsia. The ketogenic diet was popular for two decades before the development of antiepileptic drug therapies.

Scientists have revisited the diet during the last couple of decades, and not just for treating epilepsy in children. Recent studies suggest that following a ketogenic regimen could benefit people with other types of neurological disorders, including MS.


You are what you eat

More research needs to be done before we know the benefits of a ketogenic diet for people with neurological disorders such as MS. Other diets, such as the Swank diet, the Wahls diet, and the paleo diet may be worth considering for people trying to control their MS.

Scientists have long supported the adage that if you want to be healthy, you must eat healthfully. Talk to your doctor if you’re considering a dietary approach to treating your MS symptoms.

keto diet helps MS victims

Castor Oil Pack

What is Castor Oil?

  • Castor oil, derived from the castor seed, has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of health conditions, although scientific studies are few; there are reports of some side negative effects from castor oil, so you should proceed with caution in experimenting with its use

  • Castor seeds contain very high concentrations of a special fatty acid called ricinoleic acid, thought to underlie its healing properties

  • Castor beans also contain a potent toxin called ricin—so deadly that it’s used for chemical warfare—but don’t worry, this agent is NOT present in the oil

  • Castor oil is claimed to treat gastrointestinal and genitourinary problems, all types of infections, and pain and inflammation, and is said to stimulate your immune system;science is also exploring the use of ricinas an antitumor agent

  • Advocates claim castor oil is most effective for strengthening your lymphatic system when it is applied topically in a “castor oil pack,” a treatment popularized by the late psychic healer Edgar Cayce

Castor Oil for MS

Functional Medicine/Find a Hero Doctor

I am extremely grateful for my doctors(s) that worked on my case, without them this article would not have been possible. I had my genome examined, which was pretty interesting, I found out alot about myself.  I had an IgG food sensitivty test done which showed some pretty interesting findings,  I had immune reactions to some foods that I thought I would but also immune reactions to unlikely foods. I had a bunch of other blood tests done, I don't know how I still have blood left lol. I was on array of supplements- Omega 3 (Fatty Acids), Liver Flow (Supports the liver), Delish Digest (Digestive Enzymes), Vitamin D, ALA Practice, Alka Practice, Probiotics, NAC Practice and Vitamin C. I didn't know how important they were tell I didn;t take them for 3 days and felt like crap. I did Chelation therapy which removes heavy metals from the body, which was the source of my issues, remember me saying earlier everybody is unique, two bodies aren't the same, everybody has different problems and different solutions too. In a final note I can't stress enough to you how important it is to find someone who takes a holistic approach to your healthcare, I went to 5 Neurologists... just 5... only 5 and I got absolutely no anwsers. Functional Medicine is the most important step i'm taking to recover my health, don't let the position on the list of remedies I'm using fool you, Functional Medicine is the most important tool, this list is in no particular order of importance. It's important to remember MD's don't cure anything, there literally isn't a cure for anything, MD's are gonna cure chronic disease though, they can't cure heartburn but will be able to cure MS... give me a break.

Sanas health practice - doctors specializing in chronic disease

Medical Marijuana

The strain of marijuana that I use is really high in Cannibidiol (CBD) and virtually no Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is the psychoactive part of marijuana- THC is what gets you high. The benefits to marijuana are great and so many different ailments can be releived with marijuana, and its inexpensive, no wonder the pharmeceutical companies want to keep its benefits a secret.

Medical Marijuana to help treat MS

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

What is Low Dose Naltrexone?

Low dose naltrexone (LDN) is a drug used to treat people with addictions. Following anecdotal reports that low doses help the symptoms of people with a wide range of conditions, there have been a few pilot studies of low dose naltrexone (LDN) in multiple sclerosis. I take 4.5mg capsule before bedtime, which is the normal dose. It was an absolute nightmare trying to get prescribed LDN, it took me 6 months... just 6 months.

Low Dose Naltrexone to help treat MS and chronic disease


Many benefits are associated with water aquafit exercise. The buoyancy and resistance of water allows less-used muscles in your body to get a workout, which helps improve overall muscle tone. Aquafit classes also improve cardiovascular fitness, flexibility and coordination, and muscular strength and endurance. I try to go twice a week, classes are 45 minutes and I do the deep water class which is quite a workout, you are required to wear a life jacket belt which makes you float.

Aquafit and water exercise known to treat MS

Hypnosis/NLP/Thought Field Therapy/Meditation

When my life coach introduced me to meditation 3 1/2 years ago it was a complete trainwreck, it seemed like every thought that I had in the last 20 years was popping up. It wasn't tell about 2 weeks after when my mind finally quieted down and became still enough where I finally felt like I got some benefits from meditation. I started using NLP and Hypnosis on my self after I became Certified, I was a bit skeptical about how well hypnosis would work for me as I'm sure most people are, I knew Hypnosis would work from receiving training but I was shocked at how well it worked for me, I use to be big into bodybuilding and would eat everything in sight to try to get more calories to get bigger, I successfully used Hypnosis to break the habit of eating a second serving of everything. I also successfully used Hypnosis for insomnia, I always used to struggle trying to sleep and really benefitted from using Hypnosis. I sleep like a baby now and Hypnosis took a relively short amount of time too, within a couple of weeks I found I got maximum benefits and on several occasions I woke up with my headphones still on my ears, it worked that fast. I was a little skeptical about using Thought Field Therapy as well, its amazing to realize how much a thought affects you, not only psychologically but physically as well. It works instantaneously too, at least it did for me. I used Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra's 21 day Meditation challenge and currently still use it to this day. I create my own hypnosis recordings and I will include the Youtube  link in this article, which you may listen to whenever you want. Please don't listen while driving or operating machinery.

hypnosis therapy for chronic disease


Effectiveness of Reflexology in MS

There have been a couple of small studies conducted on the use of reflexology to alleviate symptoms of MS. For example, one study was a randomized control trial involving 53 participants with MS. It showed significant improvement in sensory symptoms, urinary symptoms, and spasticity.

Physical therapy (PT) plays an important role in rehabilitation and conservation of functional abilities for a person with MS. Since MS affects individuals very differently, with disability progressing over time(Maybe? Left untreated, not suppressing symptoms like most Neurologists do, your not fooling anyone) the physical therapist is challenged to tailor a unique treatment plan for each person and adjust that plan as needed over the long term. Additionally, since MS affects various aspects of a person’s life and requires a unified team approach for successful management, the PT must be comfortable working with members of the care team, including other rehabilitation specialists as well as the individual patient’s family and friends.

physiotherapy for chronic disease
hand reflexology chart
foot reflexology chart


Drugs aren't always bad, drugs are like guns, guns aren't bad it's how they're used. Sometimes pharmaceutical drugs are necessary especially if they make the patient feel comfortable and at ease. Sativex has very few side effects and is rarely reported with any patients taking the medication. The most common side effects are drowsiness/sleepiness and laughter. What horrible side effects lol. Spasticity is a common symptom in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. The approval of 9-delta-tetrahydocannabinol and cannabidiol (THC:CBD) oromucosal spray (Sativex),changed the management of spasticity and related symptoms in MS patients

Sativex treatment for chronic disease

Infrared Sauna

Many with MS will suffer from pain of the joints and muscles. Far-Infrared saunas ease sore muscles with relaxing heat. The joints of aFatigue is a major symptom for those who have MS. One reason the fatigue appears is from a lack of sleep due to pain. Regular use of infrared saunas will create an increase in energy during the day. After using the sauna in the evening the resulting relaxation causes the user to fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer. person's body can become inflamed. Far-infrared heat in the sauna penetrates deeper through tissue than a normal steam sauna.  Infrared saunas use safe infrared energy. Frequent use has numerous benefits, one of which is less irritability. The calming heat eases tense muscles. The loss of frequent pain that dampens the mood of MS patients will quickly increase their happiness and comfort levels. Absolutely. Headaches and eye pain is sometimes linked with the tense muscles in the neck and upper back. The infrared saunas speciality is eases these tight muscles and generating a complete loss of pain to the treated person. Using the sauna regularly produces these results very quickly. Use the infrared sauna along with your current treatments and see dramatic improvement in all of these areas.

infrared sauna for MS pain treatment

doTerra Essenstial Oils?/Nature's Essential Works

Essentials oils are the newest trend. If you are late to the party, that’s OK. They’ve been around for centuries so they are likely to stick around for a while more. There’s plenty of research behind this aromatic fad. We’ve uncovered some ways essential oils that might help with multiple sclerosis. 

Like herbs and minerals, the FDA does not regulate essentials oils. Most medical doctors don’t consider them a valid treatment for what ails you, but those who use them are true believers. But check with your doctor first. If you have allergies or anaphylaxis, you’ll probably want to avoid most essential oils. By and large, though, they’re worth a try.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information states that, in MS patients, “essential oils (aromatherapy) may give symptomatic relief with sleep, relaxation, joint mobility, and an improved sense of well-being.

doterra essential oils for chronic disease treatment
nature esessential works

Foot Ion Detox

Why We Highly Recommend the Ionic Foot Bath Detoxification Therapy

Eliminating toxins is the first step in giving the body a chance to heal itself. There are over 360 acupuncture points on the body with more than 60 on the soles of the feet. Acupuncture points and reflexology points reflect the organs and other areas of the body which make the feet ideal for detoxification. Today our toxic exposure is at an all time high and toxins are one of the primary causes of degenerative diseases.

How Does Foot Ion Detox Work?

It works through an ionization osmosis environment running negative ions through our body, pulling and attracting the positively charged impurities, toxins and heavy metals out through the feet into the saline charged solution in the bath. The energized ionized water runs through your body, bringing the body’s chi and meridians back into balance where one might feel energized and relaxed. The ion detox foot bath system ionizes the bath water with the units submersible water module. When your feet are immersed in the water during a 30-minute bath, the process sets up a type of osmosis condition which draws out toxins within the body. Impurities are pulled from the body, improving the body’s natural resilience. There is noticeable change in the water color from the time the process begins and when the process is complete. What you are actually seeing is the cellular waste and oxidation present in the water.

We hope this information gives you clear reasons on why this wellness detox treatment could be so good for you! If you don’t live in South Florida, please search out a med spa which is reputable and has experience in these types of therapeutic treatments.

foot ion detox for full body healing

Voxx Socks

VOXX products have been designed with the end user in mind.  Every Voxx STASIS Sock and VoxxSol Insole are embedded with Voxx HPT technology.  In addition to providing benefits that make these the best socks and insoles in the world we have made sure to use the best materials in producing the best quality and feel for all of our products.  We want the experience of first using a Voxx product to make you know that you’re using a quality product.


VoxxSol Insole are embedded with Voxx HPT technology.  In addition to providing benefits that make these the best socks and insoles in the world we have made sure to use the best materials in producing the best quality and feel for all of our products.  We want the experience of first using a Voxx product to make you know that you’re using a quality product.

voxx socks for MS
voxx soles for chronic disease help

Access Consciousness

Access Bars is a gentle hands-on modality that was introduced by Gary Douglas in the early 1990s. It consists of 16 bars of energy that run through and around your head. These bars connect at specific “bars-points” and correlate to different areas and aspects of life. During an Access Bars session, a practitioner gently touches these points to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that may have limited you in the concerned life areas. 

Today Access Bars is practiced in over 170 countries world wide, used as a potent and pragmatic tool by families, schools, businesses, athletes, prison wards, psychologists, artists and many more. 

Access consciousness by gary douglas


Juicing can add some variety to your diet while helping you get the necessary nutrients from fruits and vegetables. You can make juice at home with a juicer, try a trendy juice bar, or purchase freshly squeezed juices at the supermarket. Get all the facts about juicing and learn if it’s right for you

juicing diet benefits


When the stored glucose has been used up, the body then begins to burn fat as a source of energy, which can result in weight loss.  A detoxification process also occurs, because any toxins stored in the body's fat are dissolved and removed from the body," Dr. Razeem Mehroof says, noting that after a few days of fasting, higher levels of endorphins - "feel-good" hormones - are produced in the blood, which can have a positive impact on mental well-being.

fasting benefits

DDP Yoga

Strengthen your core muscles. All with minimal joint impact! The main benefits are body fat loss, lean muscle growth, increased flexibility and improved cardio levels all without placing undue stress on the joints. Dynamic Resistance is what makes DDP Yoga so powerful and so unique. I guess you could call it my “secret sauce.” You don’t need weights, bands or gadgets; the only resistance equipment you need is your body, because dynamic resistance uses counteracting muscles to continuously resist your movement. In simple terms, it’s like flexing all of your muscles as you move from one position to another. Dynamic resistance increases your heart rate and gets you into your Fat Burning zone. It converts slow moving, easy activity into fat-blasting muscle toning that quickly builds a sexy, slender, strong body.

DDP Yoga for fitness and better health

Sweat, Sweat, Sweat (Hand bike)

Mobility is sometimes an issue for many people with MS and riding a stationary bike is not possible in the beginning of your recovery, so it is wise to get a hand and be able to work up a sweat. Lance Armstrong I'm sure didn't hop on a bike and race in the tour de france, don't be discouraged if you can't go for long distances in the beginning.

An arm bike works your chest, shoulders, back, arms and core muscles without the use of free weights or weight machines. Instead of having to do a separate cardio and strength workout, you can get them both done simultaneously on the arm bike. This saves time at the gym without compromising your results.

hand bike for MS excersize


Rebounding boosts lymphatic drainage and immune function, helps circulate oxygen throughout the body to increase energy, improves muscle tone and strength, helps improve balance, strengthens the cells of the body, improves cardiovascular function, helps improve the effectiveness of other exercise, builds physical ...

benefits of rebounding

Dry Brushing

Your skin is your largest organ of elimination of impurities, just like your kidney & liver. It helps keep the pores clear by removing the dead skin cells on top & encourages new skin cells to grow. If your skin becomes impaired and loses its ability to remove toxins it puts extra stress on other organs in your body. Dry brushing rejuvenates the skin, allowing it to breathe and eliminate toxins.


Reasons For You To Dry Brush

  1. Removes dead layers of skin and other outer impurities

  2. Rejuvenates new skin cells

  3. Assists detoxification in your skin & other body organs

  4. Strengthens your immune system

  5. Stimulates and increases blood circulation

  6. Help release fatty deposits under your skin’s surface also known as cellulite

  7. Improves and softens skin texture

dry brushing to remove body impurities

Magnesium L-Threonate

A nutritional supplement containing the L-threonate form of magnesium (Mg) that can be used to normalize Mg levels in the body. Upon administration, Mg is utilized by the body for many biochemical functions and reactions including: bone and muscle function, protein and fatty acid formation, activation of B vitamins, blood clotting, insulin secretion, and ATP formation. Mg also serves as a catalyst for many enzymes throughout the body. In addition, magnesium improves the functioning of the immune system by enhancing the expression of natural killer activating receptor NKG2D in cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells. This increases their anti-viral and anti-tumor cytotoxic effects. Check for active clinical trials using this agent. (NCI Thesaurus)

Magnesium L-threonate

Lion's Mane Mushrooms

Until now, research concerning their specific use for MS has been limited, but two medicinal mushrooms have shown promising potential, according to GeneFo: . Lion's mane (Hericium erinaceus) – this mushroom has been studied for its potential in treating neurological disorders, including damaged nerve cells

Lion's Mane Mushrooms to treat neurological disorders

15 Minute Manifestation

Eddie Sergey who is a qualified mind reader and has over the years been instrumental in finding out ways to help people to take control of their mind and help it to manifest the way they want it. The 15 minute manifestation is a combination of various tracks which are unique and which could help you to give a new direction to your brain and reprogram it again.

This could perhaps bring about and trigger all the events which could bring positive changes in life. It is unique because the 15-minute manifestation uses the power of sound to try and access the deep insides of our brain and alter its working.

15 minute manifestation jumpstart guide

Stem Cell Restore

Stem Cell 100® is not a preventive or treatment for any disease. As a child, we are protected from the ravages of aging and can rapidly recover from injury or illness because of the ability of the young regenerative stem cells of children have a superior ability to repair and regenerate most damaged tissues. Stem cell therapy, also known as regenerative medicine, promotes the repair response of diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissue using stem cells or their derivatives. ... These stem cells are manipulated to specialize into specific types of cells, such as heart muscle cells, blood cells or nerve cells.

Stem Cell restore treatment

Chiropractic/Muscle Testing

One not-so-new treatment that many MS patient are finding relief with is chiropractic care. Because holistic care is frequently required to manage this painful disease, chiropractic care is a natural fit for a patient who is looking for a way to reduce pain without extra medication.

Recently, researched performed by Erin Elster, D.C. published a study in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research which shows that correction of upper neck injuries may be able to reverse the progress of MS. Dr. Elster, D.C., an upper cervical chiropractor from Boulder, Co. gathered data from 44 MS patients that have received care over the last 5 years, and found that 91% of them showed an improvement. These findings suggest that correcting neck injuries may be able to stimulate a reversal of progress for MS patients.  

chiropractic treatment for MS

Huso (Sound Therapy) for Multiple   Sclerosis

“...Specific frequencies modulate cellular function to restore or maintain health. The application of EM[electromagnetic}-tuned signals represents more than merely a new tool in information medicine. It can also be viewed in the larger context of EM[electromagnetic] medicine, the all-encompassing view that elevates the EM[electromagnetic] over the biochemical…. EM signaling is endogenous to cell regulation, and consequently... the remarkable effectiveness of EM resonance treatments reflects a fundamental aspect of biological systems. The concept that organisms contain mechanisms for generating biologically useful electric signals is not new, dating back to the nineteenth century discovery of currents of injury by Matteucci…. The next advance in medicine will be to discern and apply those EM signaling parameters acting to promote wellness, with decreasing reliance on marginal biochemical remediation and pharmaceuticals.”

Bioelectromagnetic Medicine: The Role of Resonance Signaling A. Foletti, S. Grimaldi, A. Lisi, M. Ledda, AR Liboff, Electromagnetic Biological Medicine, Dec., 2013

sound therapy for treatment of chronic disease
Tesla sound therapy quote

Mimosa Pudica

The  cornerstone immune and digestive support product provides the type of visible results that you’re looking for in your detox journey. In your digestive tract, Mimosa Pudica Seed becomes a gelatinous, sticky gut scrubber. As it works its way through the intestinal tract, it scrubs and pulls out toxins, heavy metals, biofilm, and other unwanted elements. It’s like deep cleaning for your insides!

mimosa pudica for gastrointestinal health


Protandim is a patented dietary supplement marketed by LifeVantage Corporation. In the 2005 patent application they claim "the invention safely induces cellular antioxidant potential to achieve an overall net decrease in oxidative stress..." Simply put, this pill  slows down one of the mechanisms of aging.

Rife Machine

protandim for MS

Rife treatment works by finding the frequency of the condition. An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. Many websites are claiming the Rife machine can cure cancer.

Rife and his supporters say that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency. Rife treatment works by finding the frequency of the condition. An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. Many websites are claiming the Rife machine can cure cancer.

Spooky2 is the most Effective and Affordable Rife treatment system available today. Free software updates and the world's largest frequency database ensure Spooky2 will always be superior. ... Spooky2 Remote transmits healing frequencies using quantum entanglement.

rife machine for MS

Subliminal Messages

Subliminal messages are like a friend who is encouraging you to develop the behaviors, habits, and beliefs that you know you need to develop for a happier life. They whisper in your ear to help motivate you to adopt these new things. Subliminal messages are stimuli that lie below our threshold of conscious awareness. Because they fall below the absolute threshold level (ATL), we can't perceive a subliminal message, even if we're looking for it. That's important. ... A stimulus can influence us subconsciously without being subliminal.


Vitamin C

 A research group in China has demonstrated that vitamin C can enhance the formation of myelin sheaths and may alleviate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. They published their findings in GLIA. Myelin sheaths—fatty layers that surround neurons—play important roles in the normal functioning of the central nervous system . In diseases such as multiple sclerosis, the myelin sheaths are damaged by immune cells and the myelin regeneration process is blocked. Interestingly, vitamin C’s function in promoting OPC differentiation is not related to its antioxidant activity. Rather, the researchers suggested that an intracellular mechanism might be involved. Taking into account the fact the vitamin C has been safely used as a dietary supplement for many years, the researchers think that vitamin C can also be safely applied as an alternative medicine for central nervous system demyelinating diseases. 

vitamin c for MS
acerola cherry for MS

Greens Drink

A lot of the usual super green ingredients are there, such as Spirulina, Chlorella, Barley and Wheat grass. Also present are probiotics such as Lactobacillus gasseri, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum. There are digestive enzymes in the mix too; Amylase (NLT 1608U), Protease (NLT 402U), Lactase (NLT 268U), Lipase (NLT 67U), Cellulase.

supergreens for MS


Dietary fibre is important for our digestive health and regular bowel movements. Fibre also helps you feel fuller for longer, can improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels and can assist in preventing some diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and bowel cancer. Fiber is one of the main reasons whole plant foods are good for you. Growing evidence shows that adequate fiber intake may benefit your digestion and reduce your risk of chronic disease. Many of these benefits are mediated by your gut microbiota — the millions of bacteria that live in your digestive system. Fiber absorbs water, and constipation can result if fiber is consumed without adequate H2O. Drinking plenty of water will help move the bulk that fiber has created in the intestine to clean the colon and remove toxins and waste

diet high in fiber to help with MS

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver products are usually marketed as dietary supplements that are taken by mouth. ... Manufacturers of colloidal silver products often claim that they are cure-alls, boosting your immune system, fighting bacteria and viruses, and treating cancer, HIV/AIDS, shingles, herpes, eye ailments and prostatitis.

colloidal silver for autoimmune disease

The Tapping Solution

Tapping is a combination of Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Psychology that works to physically alter your brain, energy system and body all at once. The practice consists of tapping with your fingertips on specific meridian points while talking through traumatic memories and a wide range of emotions.

tapping-solution - ancient chinese acupressure

Lazarus Naturals CBD Oil (from hemp)

Lazarus Naturals CBD Oils come with an easy to use graduated dropper for accurate application, and contains 50mg of CBD per 1ml so you know you're getting plenty of that organic CBD. Plus, it's vegan and gluten-free and gives you access to a broad range of naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes.

Lazarus Naturals CBD Oil (from hemp) for autoimmune disease

Himalayan Salt Cave

What Are the Benefits? The negatively charged ionized salt and trace minerals that are present in the cave's atmosphere are said to naturally draw toxins and impurities out of the body, reduce inflammation, and improve respiratory ailments like asthma by clearing the lungs.

Himalayan Salt Caves for autoimmune disease

Dr Joe Dispenza Meditations

Dr. Joe Dispenza is teaching the world how to empower and heal our mind through meditation and mindfulness. His studies have proven that when well practiced these tools can put us on the path to understanding and breaking deep-rooted bad habits and even heal illnesses.

Dr Joe Dispenza Meditations


Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system. It is a multidisciplinary branch of biology that combines physiology, anatomy, molecular biology, developmental biology, cytology, mathematical modeling, and psychology to understand the fundamental and emergent properties of neurons and neural circuits.

neuroscience for MS

Speedzen Binaural Beats/Subliminals

Every Speedzen subliminal audio program uses carefully designed, high-tech music that gently lowers you into a deep, meditative trance as you listen. Simple. Easy. Transform your subconscious mind into a success-seeking missile almost overnight. 

Speedzen Binaural Beats

Quantum Physics

What is quantum physics? Put simply, it's the physics that explains how everything works: the best description we have of the nature of the particles that make up matter and the forces with which they interact. Quantum physics underlies how atoms work, and so why chemistry and biology work as they do.

quantum physics can help with autoimmune disease

Health Reboot Subliminal

It is based on the principles of the law of attraction to boost motivation and focus on goals. It enhances the performance of tasks and feeds you with energy, sufficient to complete even the most complicated ones. It is a real positive energy store abundant with positive images and subliminal commands. Maintaining motivation, you don't feel exhausted like a squeezed lemon anymore. On the contrary, you become better, you are full of energy. You realize that you have a great job and a calm mind. With the recognition of
talent and no useless anxiety, you can achieve success in everything. 

The training reveals the availability of necessary resources and access to your inner world. It empowers you to realize that you are just happy being yourself. You gain a good feeling that a positive person is positive in everything: you are in a
positive mood, learn fast, and you are surrounded by love. With your body functioning in full, you just shine with health.

Health Reboot Subliminal - law of attraction

Celery Juice

Celery contains impressive amounts of vitamin C and K, as well as folate and potassium, and studies show that celery may help to fight against cancer and liver disease, reduce inflammation (especially for brain-related diseases) and boost cardiovascular health. Fresh celery provides a source of vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, folate, manganese, calcium, riboflavin, magnesium, and
vitamin B6. It has a high percentage of water and electrolytes that can help prevent dehydration.

celery juice for vitamins C and K

Vitality Neuro Meditation

This meditation has been designed to instantly and effortlessly elevate your health and immunity. Just sit down, relax, press play, and follow the soothing sounds and instructions as it guides you into a deep meditative state, and
literally programs your mind to heal and protect your body.

You only need to use your VITALITY Neuro Meditation for a few minutes a day, and a few days a week to experience a real positive transformation in your health. For best results, listen to this meditation once a day here on this webpage, your smart phone, your tablet or your MP3 player.

Vitality Neuro Meditation

B12 Injections

Vitamin B-12 shots are injections containing high levels of cyanocobalamin. These shots, which can be self-administered or given by a doctor, can quickly boost B-12 levels in someone who is deficient. Cyanocobalamin is available in liquid, tablet, or capsule form.

b12 injections

Spooky2 Scaler

Spooky2 Scalar transmitter not only transmits energy but also takes energy from the aether. Scalar waves are not electromagnetic waves. If it was a wave, it will lose power over distance. But because it is a scalar field, the power increases, because the field draws energy from the ether.


When Spooky2 Scalar is running, you can’t see much happening. You can push the tuning light and you can see the tuning light coming on, indicating energy flow between the transmitter and the receiver. You can have an indication of the energy by placing a fluorescent tube on the output coil. The tube will start to glow.

Spooky2 scaler transmitter

Spooky2 PEMF

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, better known as PEMF, is a safe and natural way to literally recharge your body so it can travel the path to better health.

PEMF targets your body at a cellular level to stimulate cell metabolism and improve your health. Numerous disorders, diseases and injuries benefit from PEMF treatments. And there are none of the harmful side effects commonly associated with prescription drugs and medical procedures.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy

Spooky2 Plasma

It is many users’ favorite due to its super effectiveness in serious diseases, like cancer and Lyme. Spooky2 Central contains four modes, Plasma mode, Ultrasonic, PEMF and Contact mode. Plasma Mode is the most powerful among all Rife products. Spooky2 Central is the only machine we know of that can transmit frequencies of up to 3,500,000Hz (3.5MHz) without needing any wasteful and potentially harmful fixed carrier frequency.

Every component that goes into building Spooky2 Central - including the rugged case and wiring - is mission-critical military-grade. This makes the machine eminently suitable for heavy-duty clinical and research lab use as well as for everyday domestic situations.

Spooky2 Plasma effective for serious diseases

23 and Me

Health Predisposition reports provide information about whether you carry genetic markers that could influence your chances of developing certain health conditions. They are not for diagnosis. Factors like lifestyle, environment and genetic markers not covered by this test can also play a role. These reports provide you with more insights so you can be the best possible advocate – for you.

23 and me - learn about yourself to help treatment

Spooky2 Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is known as an antibiotic, antivirus and antifungal which can prevent and treat numerous diseases in both humans and animals, like cold and flu, ear infection, nose infection, skin infection, etc. Medical tests indicate no known adverse effects from the use of properly prepared colloidal silver, and there has never been a recorded case of drug interaction with any other medication.

Colloidal Silver for MS

Nerve-Muscle Health Audio

This audio rejuvenates your muscles and nerves due to aging issues, damage from disease such as ALS or stroke, side effects from medication, or injury. It helps restore and rejuvenate the brain and muscular system. It does a full restoration of the voluntary nervous system and muscles and adjusts the body chemistry to promote transfer of signals across nerve synapses. 

Nerve Muscle Regeneration was scientifically formulated to operate on four levels.  The words are carefully chose, as are the commands, the music is on an adjusted frequency scale, and it is designed to connect to your subconscious to release and heal the causes of nerve and muscular degeneration in your body. It's run time is about 27 minutes.

nerve-muscle heath audio rejuvenates brain and muscular system

Mind Movies

Mind Movies transforms a boring vision board into a fun, digital video vision board filled with positive affirmations, inspiring images and motivating music.

Get empowered to reach your goals through Mind Movies. These short videos are designed to get your mind in peak 'manifesting' mode - in just a few fun minutes a day.

Mind movies for positive affirmation

Lion's Mane Save

- 1000mg serving size! It’s potent, it’s effective! Lions Mane has been used for centuries to protect against memory loss and dementia, reduce mild anxiety and depression, control blood sugar levels and repair nerve damage. There are many speculated benefits to taking Lion’s Mane
-Organic Lion’s Mane with BioPerine® for increased bioavailability!
- Utilized state of the art FDA certified lab to produce the highest quality Lions Mane supplement on the market.
-1000mg serving size to ensure results
- Lab is GMP compliant, registered in the United States.

Lion's Mane Save for autoimmune disease


Taurine may help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Research shows a link between higher taurine levels and significantly lower rates of death from heart disease, as well as reduced cholesterol and blood pressure.

  • Promoting healthy metabolism.

  • Protecting the eyes.

  • Protecting the heart.

  • Protecting the muscles.

  • Protecting against brain aging.

  • Protecting against neurological conditions.

  • Improving exercise performance.

  • Improving markers of diabetes.


Willow Bracket Mushroom

This mushroom has been linked to suppression of demyelination and a decrease in the daily incidence rate of EAE (experimental autoimmune encephalitis; a frequently used animal model of MS). The Willow bracket mushroom seems to suppress the infiltration of several immune cells involved in MS, such as CD4+ T-cells and CD8+ T-cells, among others. The findings suggest this mushroom extract could have a high therapeutic potential for stopping MS progression, and were presented in a 2014 study published in BioMed Research International .

willow bracket mushroom

Spectrum Cannabis

Spectrum Cannabis provides medical cannabis products to improve the lives

of patients around the world. In addition to a consistent supply of lab-tested

products, you can rely on us to keep you up to date with clear and accurate

information. As we invest in ongoing research, our goal is to deliver innovative

products that raise the bar on therapy and outcomes for patients everywhere.

spectrum cannabis

Neuro Botanicals

Neuro Botanicals – Brain Formula. A synergistic blend formulated to help promote neurogenesis. These capsules support and improves memory & cognition. Expect increases in overall well-being, increased creativity, mood lifts, healthier interpersonal relationships and a feeling of being more present and focused.

neuro botanicals

Coffee Enemas

For many people, the immediate benefit of a coffee enema is having multiple

bowel movements that help purge the colon. If you’re experiencing

constipation, a coffee enema may bring relief.


Coffee enema supporters claim the procedure provides these additional


  • boosts immunity

  • increase energy

  • stops yeast overgrowth

  • treats autoimmune diseases

  • removes parasites from the digestive tract

  • removes heavy metals from the body

  • treats depression

  • treats cancer

coffee enemas for ms

Guided Healing Meditation by Brain Sync

This is the description on

  • Generate nourishing states of well-being

  • Enhance immune function


You hold within you the power to create vibrant states of health

and well-being that you intend for your life. In this guided healing

meditation you will learn to meditate on ever deepening levels,

where the attention you focus on healing and renewal will directly

impact your body and your life, and Delta binaural beats and

brainwave entrainment will facilitate relaxation. These are blissful

states of reverie that are proven to enhance immune function and

activate the body’s natural healing abilities. In this quantum state

of renewal, your body triggers its own powerful bio-chemicals to

heal illness and cure disease.

  • Fact 1: Your body can manufacture and administer the precise balance of neurochemicals that can reverse illness and cure disease. Your body possesses the innate capacity to heal itself.

  • Fact 2: Science has proven, beyond doubt, that the contents of our thoughts and emotions directly and immediately influence our biochemistry.

  • Fact 3: You can consciously influence and direct the body's output of health chemical information through meditation and visualization techniques.

This powerful guided meditation for healing is highly recommended by doctors and offered to patients at America’s most prestigious cancer treatment hospitals.

guided healing meditation

Gut Connect 365

This powerful powder was formulated with a proprietary blend of nine superfoods found in nature that will soothe, nourish, strengthen and protect the gut lining. GutConnect 365 supports overall health and wellness, which can result in higher energy levels, improved mood, less fatigue, fewer digestive issues, better weight management and a deeper, more restful sleep.

gut connect 365

Havening Technique (Energy Medicine)

Havening refers to a newer alternative therapy technique that incorporates distraction, touch, and eye movements. Its goal is to reduce anxiety and distress associated with negative memories


7 Day Prayer Technique

Take comfort in knowing that God is always listening. He loves you and is eager to listen to whatever you need to say. If you're new to prayer, prayer is simply a conversation with God. There is a science and an art to prayer. This is at the heart of the Law of Attraction. True prayer is incredibly simple and can be equally easy. Problems arise because of nasty habits we’ve learned in life

that can lead us astray.

7 day prayer technique

Magnetic Mind

Your Magnetic Mind explains the Law of Attraction in its entirety. Once you understand how the Law of Attraction is already working in your life, the fun really begins. ... Your Magnetic Mind's genesis came from the lack of simple and clear books on the Law of Attraction.

manetic mind

Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is power “ is a famous proverb which states that a person with knowledge can outwit physical strength of any other person. Most of us lack the instructions as to how to wield the energy in the universe or even understand how it interacts with our environment and other living creatures.

learn about treating MS

A must. I highly, highly, highly recommend these modalities


I can show you the door, I can't make you walk through it (that's a metaphor) meaning I can tell you what I'm doing for my recovery, it might be a little different for you. Your laughing and well on your way if you work with a functional medicine doctor, I hope no one goes the conventional route when treating their autoimmune condition. The old paradigm of your condition getting worse (MS especially) and only going downhill couldn't be further from the truth, you can get better which will be the hill that I die on trying to explain to people.  My one Aquafit instructor said "it  must be hard" and I said "no its incredibly hard", I can't promise your journey will be easy but I can promise it will be worth it in the end. It takes time to recover your health, its not an overnight process, every journey begins with a single step, I know its probably a little overwhelming all the information but go at your own pace, it's not a race you know, you don't need to achieve everything right away, Rome wasn't built in a day. neither will you recover in a day. Don't give up, suffering, barely getting by isn't the end of your story. You know your body better than any doctor will be able to, do what you feel is right. Base hits wins you the ball game, not home runs, just keep that in mind, there wasn't one holy grail therapy that I use, all the modalities mentioned above all do their part and are all equally important, you CAN and WILL experience a healthy life but you have to understand what works to improve your health and equally important understand what doesn't so you can stop doing it, it's silly/stupid to keep doing something that makes you feel bad, you wouldn't order something off a menu that you didn't like, it's the same idea with doing something that makes you feel bad, STOP IT.

You now have all you need for your recovery, I wish you all the best.

healthy body, happy life
life changing chronic disease treatment
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